Developing sustainable startup concepts - implement social innovation strategies
Do you want to start or take over a company and to create social impact? We support you in developing an exciting and innovative business model that combines social innovation and profitability to start successfully and achieve a long-term impact.
Socially innovative start-ups as well as companies that serve the common goodoften lack access to financing. We support you in developing a financing plan and applying for funding.
We offer information and workshops to financial institutions regarding social innovation and impact-oriented business models and we support them in developing financing options for social entrepreneurs and their companies.
Services for social entrepreneurs and impact companies:
- Sustainable Development Goals and Social Innovation as Fundament for Innovative Business Models
- Startup Academy: Developing and implementing socially innovative founding strategies
- Understanding and meeting customer needs
- Planning, measuring and communicating impact
- How to apply for funding and financing
- Strengthening leaders and teams in start up processes
Services for funding agencies and financial institutions:
- Sustainable Development Goals and Social Innovation as Fundament for Innovative Business Models
- Developing relevant and successful financing options for social entrepreneurs and impact oriented companies
- Fostering and financing of women led startups
- How to offer effective programs and seminaries on financial education for customers
- How to foster financial inclusion for family run businesses in Latin America
- Promoting financial education for women-led-businesses in Latin America
References (selection)

Programs and projects
Design programs and projects focused on fostering social entrepreneurs and social innovation, as well as promoting achieving Sustainable Development Goals and sustainable transition in small and medium sized enterprises.
Implement programs and projects in local, regional and international contexts, in cooperation with partner organisations.
For more details:

Founder´s Assessment
Advising a founding concept for a circular economy focused entrepreneur
Advise a fashion designer in the process of developing a company for fashionable recycling of textiles.
Conducting two practical workshops with the fashion designer to support her process of developing ideas and concept, supporting also with desk top research and with elaboration of a first written concept.

Espacio IDEA:
A Start Up Academy for Young Professionals in Mexico
To develop and implement a start up programme for young entrepreneurs focused on concept development, training and networking
Design of a six month training programme for young university based entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas; implementation of the programme; invitation of additional keynote speakers and organisation of networking events; coordination of pitching event with experienced entrepreneurs and representatives of founding institutions; evaluation of programme results.

Small Enterprise Award
Award of a Mexican Bank for Small Businesses
Analysis of the development of small businesses in the years after receiving the award from the Mexican Bank and formulation of recommendations for a training programme fort he business owners
Development of criteria and tools for the analysis of the current state oft he businesses; data collection and interviews with 20 award winning small business owners; evaluatino of data and preparation of report with recommendations for a one-year training programme focused on financial and strategic topics.