Career Stages

  • 2018 until today

    Independent consultant specialized on small and medium sized companies, entrepreneurs and financial sector development
  • 2010 until today

    Managing Partner at Constructing Opportunities for Solid Livelihoods, S.C. (Solliv) in Mexico
  • 2017

    Managing Director, WSBI Advisory Services, Belgium
  • 2014–2016

    University Lecturer for a postgraduate programme on micro finance in the Departement of Economics of the Mexican National and Autonomous University (UNAM)
  • 2014–2016

    Member of de board of the mexican-european network of executive women CEDEA; in 2016 presidency of the board
  • 2010–2016

    Member of the Technical Committee of the Award for Small Businesses of the Mexican Bank Citibanamex
  • 2002–2010

    Representative and project manager of the Mexican office of the German Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation, e.V.
  • since 2002

    Speaker at numerous international conferences on topics as financial inclusion, financial sector development, entrepreneurship, women in leadership, etc.
  • 1997–2002

    Independent consultant focuses on start-ups, microfinance and international trade fostering, based in Germany and Mexico
  • 1999–2000

    Management assistant to the General Director of Aesculap de México, a subsidiary of the German medical technology company Aesculap
  • 1993–1997

    Loan officer for small enterprises in the German bank Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechselbank, branches of Rostock and Hamburg
  • 1997–1999

    Doctoral thesis at the University of Hamburg, Department of History/History of Latinamerica; grade: magna cum laude