2018 until today
Independent consultant specialized on small and medium sized companies, entrepreneurs and financial sector development
2010 until today
Managing Partner at Constructing Opportunities for Solid Livelihoods, S.C. (Solliv) in Mexico
Managing Director, WSBI Advisory Services, Belgium
University Lecturer for a postgraduate programme on micro finance in the Departement of Economics of the Mexican National and Autonomous University (UNAM)
Member of de board of the mexican-european network of executive women CEDEA; in 2016 presidency of the board
Member of the Technical Committee of the Award for Small Businesses of the Mexican Bank Citibanamex
Representative and project manager of the Mexican office of the German Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation, e.V.
since 2002
Speaker at numerous international conferences on topics as financial inclusion, financial sector development, entrepreneurship, women in leadership, etc.
Independent consultant focuses on start-ups, microfinance and international trade fostering, based in Germany and Mexico
Management assistant to the General Director of Aesculap de México, a subsidiary of the German medical technology company Aesculap
Loan officer for small enterprises in the German bank Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechselbank, branches of Rostock and Hamburg
Doctoral thesis at the University of Hamburg, Department of History/History of Latinamerica; grade: magna cum laude